[Click] Tutorial "Grader" Generating Error

dmoore7@nd.edu dmoore7 at nd.edu
Thu May 24 11:42:30 EDT 2007

I am learning Click and working through the tutorials.
When I run the "make" to check if I have properly done a tutorial, I receive the
following errors:

<expr>:4: unknown element class 'ComparePackets'
*** Problem 1 Failure: f1a.dump != f1b.dump
make: *** [check-prob1] Error 1

The first error I believe to be an issue with the compare-traces program.
The tutorial to which I am referring is found here:

My prob1.click's contents (which I believe are unrelated to this error) are:

input :: FromDump("f1a.dump", STOP true);
output :: ToDump("f1b.dump");
input -> output;

As a side note, f1a and f2b are of different sizes: one packet is not passed on
to f1b.  I can "siphon" the packet that gets dropped off via the FORCE_IP
option, and add it back into f1b, albeit out of order.
Any input is appreciated.
 - David Moore

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