[Click] gaprate has startup bug

Bart Braem bart.braem at ua.ac.be
Mon Feb 28 10:05:03 EST 2005

> GapRate's implementation is aligned on second boundaries.  For example, if
> the rate is 2 pps, then GapRate will approve packet generation at X.0 and
> X.5 seconds, for every X.
> Imagine a GapRate that always accepted the first packet, then went back to
> normal behavior.  If the first packet arrived at X.999999 seconds, that'd
> be bad.

I understand that just accepting the first packet is bad. The fact is that my 
first packet arrives at 20.0 seconds exactly in a RatedSplitter with rate 10 
(I use nsclick so those times are exact). 
Then my point remains: why drop that packet? There have not been any other 
packets in that RatedSplitter.

> So I checked in a fix that will sometimes let the first packet be accepted.
> Hopefully that's good enough.

That's not really enough, I need to be certain of the functionality of my 
simulations... Do you have pointers to information regarding the theory 
behind gaprate? Then I'll try and fix this bug.

Thanks for the patch,
dwars, studentenblad van de UA

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