[Click] gaprate has startup bug

Eddie Kohler kohler at CS.UCLA.EDU
Mon Feb 28 12:02:02 EST 2005

There is no theory behind GapRate; if you find a reference to a better 
implementation, please send it along!!!

However, your example (20.0 seconds exactly in a RatedSplitter with rate 10) 
should work 100% of the time with my fix.


Bart Braem wrote:
>>GapRate's implementation is aligned on second boundaries.  For example, if
>>the rate is 2 pps, then GapRate will approve packet generation at X.0 and
>>X.5 seconds, for every X.
>>Imagine a GapRate that always accepted the first packet, then went back to
>>normal behavior.  If the first packet arrived at X.999999 seconds, that'd
>>be bad.
> I understand that just accepting the first packet is bad. The fact is that my 
> first packet arrives at 20.0 seconds exactly in a RatedSplitter with rate 10 
> (I use nsclick so those times are exact). 
> Then my point remains: why drop that packet? There have not been any other 
> packets in that RatedSplitter.
>>So I checked in a fix that will sometimes let the first packet be accepted.
>>Hopefully that's good enough.
> That's not really enough, I need to be certain of the functionality of my 
> simulations... Do you have pointers to information regarding the theory 
> behind gaprate? Then I'll try and fix this bug.
> Thanks for the patch,
> Bart

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