[Click] Passing element to configuration string in element class

Bart Braem bart.braem at ua.ac.be
Tue Oct 12 08:23:46 EDT 2004

In my system I need a global element collecting information regarding multiple 
elements. When I pass on that element as "parameter" to an element class it 
completely changes, in some class I used earlier.
Here are some code snippets to illustrate the problem:

elementclass ClassifyIP {
  -> ToDump(PER_NODE,"data.dump")
  -> StripIPHeader
  -> [1]output

elementclass ClassifyAODV{
 $neighbours |
  -> Print("hello dump")
  -> ToDump(PER_NODE,"hello.dump")
  -> AODVUpdateNeighbours($neighbours);
neighbours :: AODVNeighbours;
ipclass :: ClassifyIP;
aodvclass :: ClassifyAODV(neighbours);

When asking the element class of neighbours I get StripIPHeader (it's the only 
one I use in my entire script), so I'm thinking of a major pointer problem? 
It feels awfully dangerous to get different elements passed on, but what am I 
doing wrong?

Thanks for any help
dwars, studentenblad van de UA

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