compile error(twice) for 2.4.5

Nickolai Zeldovich kolya at
Wed Jul 25 17:58:27 EDT 2001

>   humm after fixing this thing finally click got
> compiled but i was unable to insmod click ,it gave
> me a error :/.

You don't mention what error you received, but it looks
like there were enough changes between 2.4.4 and 2.4.5
that you should probably use 2.4.4 for now.  If there's
some particular feature that you need and it's not in
2.4.4, I could probably make a patch for 2.4.7 or
whatever the latest version is.

Also, you should probably build the kernel without SMP
support, since that hasn't been tested much under 2.4.

-- kolya

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