[chord] Write access question

Ntanths Adrianos adrian at softnet.tuc.gr
Fri Mar 12 03:01:07 EST 2004

I want to test CHORD,and try to connect it with
a grid network.As i read in papers and FAQ,a CHORD's
user cannot write in network by CHORD.
So,i would like to write a file,i can do it only by SFS
and independently of CHORD.
Am i right?
Is this the only way to have write access?

In howto,you had written that if i want use CFS Client,
i must run SFS Client.In which cases of CHORD's use
i need CFS Client andin which cases of CHORD's use
CFS Server is necessary?

Is there any list or anymore help and examples about
how to use CHORD?

I hope questions aren't so tired.

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