[chord] a chord question

jungao at cs.cmu.edu jungao at cs.cmu.edu
Wed Jun 11 23:37:59 EDT 2003


This is Jun Gao at CMU. We are trying to use Chord in our project. I had a
couple questions which bothered me for a couple days now.

(1) We were able to follow the instructions on the Chord page to download 
chord/sfs package and compile it on our machine. 

I ran into rather weird problem when I ran the "lsd" program. 
It appeared to be working correctly for the first few times, and we can 
test with "dbm" etc.  Today, however, I always got this following error 
when I start the first node:

lsd:  1055384135:592731 Higher-level RPC Failure 2
69ecbdb13c0aefc64f71d7b2fa3c9ab16e88917: join RPC failed: RPC: Unable to

(see details below)

When I set the ACLNT_TRACE and ASRV_TRACE variable, I saw it says something
about unknown node? 

Can someone give us some clue what may be happening?

(2) Another question we have is when use the configure file generated by 
the setup program in Chord, it always complains something about

[jungao at yucatan chord-build]#../sfsnet/configure --with-db3 --with-sfs=../sfs-build 


../sfsnet/configure: line 1478: syntax error near unexpected token


Because of this, we are not able to compile vis. (We had to comment the
corresponding line out to finish compilation of other parts.)

Thank you very much for your help. 



P.S. the detailed output 

[jungao at yucatan lsd]# ./lsd -j yucatan.cmcl.cs.cmu.edu:10000 -p 10000
=== Configurator::dump
chord.lookup_mode "fingerlike"
chord.ncoords 3
chord.npred 1
chord.nsucc 16
chord.rpc_mode "stp"
chord.server_selection_mode 5
debruijn.logbase 2
dhash.dfrags 7
dhash.efrags 14
dhash.missing_outstanding_max 15
locationtable.maxcache 208
merkle.keyhash_timer 10
merkle.prt_timer 5
merkle.replica_timer 3
merkle.sync_timer 30
chord: running on
lsd: lsd: created new dhash
 1055384135:587190: creating new vnode: 69ecbdb13c0aefc64f71d7b2fa3c9ab16e88917
lsd:  1055384135:587377 coords are: 733 -557 -902 
 1055384135:587583 myID is 69ecbdb13c0aefc64f71d7b2fa3c9ab16e88917
lsd: chord::handleProgram: 344447
lsd: ACLNT_TRACE: call transport_program_1:TRANSPORTPROC_DORPC x=63d0fbb9
dorpc_arg ARGS = {
  bigint dest_id = 9173f7cbbc4f426392eca75f3a45781d292f69c2;
  bigint src_id = 69ecbdb13c0aefc64f71d7b2fa3c9ab16e88917;
  int32_t src_port = 10000;
  u_int64_t send_time = 0x3bfddc480da9a;
  int32_t src_vnode_num = 0;
  int32_t src_coords<> = [3] {
    733, -557, -902
  int32_t progno = 344447;
  int32_t procno = 15;
  opaque args<> = [24] {
    00, 00, 00, 14, 06, 9e, cb, db,
    13, c0, ae, fc, 64, f7, 1d, 7b,
    2f, a3, c9, ab, 16, e8, 89, 18
lsd: lsd starting up at Wed Jun 11 22:15:35 2003
lsd:  running with options: 
lsd:   IP/port:
lsd:   vnodes: 1
lsd:   lookup_mode: 2
lsd:   ss_mode: 1
lsd: ASRV_TRACE: serve transport_program_1:TRANSPORTPROC_DORPC x=63d0fbb9
dorpc_arg ARGS = {
  bigint dest_id = 9173f7cbbc4f426392eca75f3a45781d292f69c2;
  bigint src_id = 69ecbdb13c0aefc64f71d7b2fa3c9ab16e88917;
  int32_t src_port = 10000;
  u_int64_t send_time = 0x3bfddc480da9a;
  int32_t src_vnode_num = 0;
  int32_t src_coords<> = [3] {
    733, -557, -902
  int32_t progno = 344447;
  int32_t procno = 15;
  opaque args<> = [24] {
    00, 00, 00, 14, 06, 9e, cb, db,
    13, c0, ae, fc, 64, f7, 1d, 7b,
    2f, a3, c9, ab, 16, e8, 89, 18
lsd: ASRV_TRACE: reply transport_program_1:TRANSPORTPROC_DORPC x=63d0fbb9
dorpc_res REPLY = {
  rpcstat status = DORPC_UNKNOWNNODE;
lsd: ACLNT_TRACE: reply transport_program_1:TRANSPORTPROC_DORPC x=63d0fbb9
dorpc_res REPLY = {
  rpcstat status = DORPC_UNKNOWNNODE;
lsd:  1055384135:592731 Higher-level RPC Failure 2
69ecbdb13c0aefc64f71d7b2fa3c9ab16e88917: join RPC failed: RPC: Unable to
69ecbdb13c0aefc64f71d7b2fa3c9ab16e88917: should remove me from vnodes since I
 to join.
newvnode_cb: status 2
lsd: fatal: unable to join

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