[Click] naming conflict with new Ubuntu Touch package installer 'click'

Peter Swain swine at pobox.com
Sun Sep 15 05:19:27 EDT 2013

A small problem of coexistence in Ubuntu namespace ...

I've had Click installed on my (pre-release) Ubuntu-13.10 for a while,
and a recent update failed because Ubuntu Touch support add a new
package called 'click'.  This failed to install because its /usr/bin/click
was hidden under standard 'sudo' $PATH by the click modular router's
default toolname /usr/local/bin/click.

As a long-time aficionado of click (modular router) I threw a plea to the
newcomer package to consider ways to resolve this small but
annoying conflict.

I hope I didn't overreach in my slightly whiney explanation of the problem
at https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/click/+question/235723
where I raised the possibility of both packages backing off to unique names,
with each having a 'click' symlinked to the long name, so there's a
conflict-free path forward.
No required change in Click (modular router) unless/until it wants to be
along with Click (packager) on same machine.

I didn't intend to speak for the whole Click (modular router) community,
but thought someone should get in quick before the package hits mainstream
two weeks from now.

Should it come to that, I'm happy to prototype a rework, such that linux
true name for the user-level driver change to click-mr (with click being an
optional symlink).  This is only an issue if Click (the modular router)
a debian-style package installer, such that non-developer users could try
to install both.
That's probably not going to happen until some element/package grows into
a tool that's naive-user-level deployable. I suspect most Click(MR) users
developers who would either take this in their stride and/or have no reason
to install
Ubuntu Touch on their box.


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