[Click] clicky unknown element class

Markku Savela Markku.Savela at vtt.fi
Fri May 4 02:55:07 EDT 2012

On 05/03/2012 06:44 PM, Eddie Kohler wrote:
> Can you send the ipsec-echo-vtt.click file along?

It's part of my ipsec stuff on cloned click ./conf

  git at github.com:msa2/click.git

> Does the file use "require(library)" by any chance?


> The boxes-all-on-top-of-each-other is likely happening because your
> machine doesn't have 'dot', which is part of the 'graphviz' package. Is
> graphviz installed?

Well, I already got "baffling" solution to this:

change "/usr/sh -> dash" to "/usr/sh -> bash"

I did this, and boxes came out better. Though,
what is puzzling, now it works without that
change... (perphaps something to do with the
issue that config needs to be run as root due
to use of KernelTap).

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