[Click] Regarding implementing Click on Linksys routers

Harkeerat Bedi hsbedi at memphis.edu
Mon Jan 2 03:00:15 EST 2012

Hello all,

I am currently using Click as part of my research project. I have created a
few Click elements which I am able to run on my computer in Linux in
user-level. I am interested in porting/running my Click implementation on a
commercial router, like Linksys WRT54G. I was trying to look for tutorials
and/or documentation regarding this subject, but was not able to find any.
Is there a standard way for performing such a task? Or, can anyone help me
with some documentation or links which I can use for the same?

I am a novice in this area and any help would be highly appreciated. Thank
you in advance.

Harkeerat Bedi

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