[Click] timing problem in captured packets

Luca Costantino luca.costantino at gmail.com
Thu Oct 6 03:27:24 EDT 2011

I'm playng with the ping-5.click script tutorial made available by the
PATS group.

looking at the packets exchanged between the two router is quite strange

there two arp replies, then a ping reply, then two arp queries, and at
last a ping request. of course that's wrong!

sorting the packets by time anyway gives me this
that is quite correct, except for the timings... some time is even negative!

why is that?

Chiave pubblica http://luca.costantino.googlepages.com/luca.costantino.asc

Prima di tutto vennero a prendere gli zingari e fui contento, perché
Poi vennero a prendere gli ebrei e stetti zitto, perché mi stavano antipatici.
Poi vennero a prendere gli omosessuali, e fui sollevato, perché mi
erano fastidiosi.
Poi vennero a prendere i comunisti, e io non dissi niente, perché non
ero comunista.
Un giorno vennero a prendere me, e non c’era rimasto nessuno a protestare.
(Martin Niemöller)

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