[Click] unable to compile v1.8 userlevel

Øivind Kure okure at unik.no
Thu Mar 4 11:25:54 EST 2010

Running a standard  ./configure  -enable-all-elements -disable-linuxmodule      I get the following error:

CXX ../lib/task.cc
../include/click/master.hh: In member function 'void Master::timer_place::operator()(Timer**)':
../include/click/timer.hh:286: error: 'int Timer::_schedpos1' is private
../include/click/master.hh:152: error: within this context

I have no problem compiling  v 1.7rc and 1.6.  I know, based on the previous mail on the list, that setting the _schedpos1  to public would fix the problem. However, I  assume it is more likely there are some basic steps I have overlooked  in the setup and configuration process, but I am not able to find it/them. Any help appreciated.
Øivind Kure

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