[Click] multiple signal handlers broken?

Ian Rose ianrose at eecs.harvard.edu
Thu Jan 28 20:51:13 EST 2010

Hi all -

The following page:


says (regarding Script elements of type SIGNAL):

"If multiple Script elements select the same signal, all the scripts 
will run."

This is not my experience - is the webpage wrong, or am I doing or 
understanding things wrong?  Here is a super basic script that 
demonstrates the problem:

Script(TYPE SIGNAL INT, print "Script 1, I got a sigint");
Script(TYPE SIGNAL INT, print "Script 2, I got a sigint");

When I run this, if I send a SIGINT, I get only "Script 2, I got a 
sigint" printed out, instead of both as I expect.  Note that I am 
running this on FreeBSD - I am in the process of installing Click on a 
Linux machine to test there to make sure that its not an OS thing.


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