[Click] Your opinion on how to implement that ?

Harald Schiöberg harald at net.t-labs.tu-berlin.de
Thu Jan 28 11:38:23 EST 2010

Hash: SHA1


you may remember MultiFlowDispatcher, which spawns one MultiFlowHandler
per four-tupel flow based on IPFlowID of packets.

To make that more generic I want to use the AggregateAnno instead of the
IPFlowID, which means you could use any Aggreate* Element in front of
any MultiFlow Element to get as many Handlers as there are aggregates.

That leaves me with the problem of consistently tagging Packets with
AggregateAnnos, even if there are multiple inputs or outputs of the
configuration, yet the Aggregate* Elements have precisely one
input-output pair (+ the error output)

I briefly thought about using Paint to tag all packets, then squeeze
them through the same Aggregate Element, and using a paint-switch on the
other side....
but that makes very ugly configs, and at least the AggregateIPFlows
overwrites the Paint field.

Remaining options
a) Extend all Aggregate* Elements to have "1-/=+" processing.
b) Introduce a Paint2 Anno, write Paint2() and PaintSwitch2()
c) Write a IPFlowsState Element and have multiple AggregateIPFlows
reference it

I don't like any of those....


- --
Harald Schiöberg
Technische Universität Berlin | T-Laboratories | FG INET
www: http://www.net.t-labs.tu-berlin.de
Phone: +49-(0)30-8353-58476 | Fax: +49-(0)391 534 783 47
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