[Click] Release Click Router Windows XP port

Jeroen Hoebeke jeroen.hoebeke at intec.ugent.be
Thu Jan 14 06:32:47 EST 2010

Dear all,

It is our pleasure to announce to you that we have released a Windows XP port of the Click Modular Router, which has been presented at SyClick.

The Windows port has been based on click-1.7.0rc1. Only a subset of the Click Router tree has been ported, but this includes all core functionality in order to be able to run a router.
- sending and receiving packets from a network interface using the Windows NDIS driver
- sending packets to and receiving packets from the host system using the OpenVPN TAP adapter
- handler communication
- lookupiproute to read in the Windows routing table

All information (documentation, source code and compiled code) can be found at http://click.ibcn.intec.ugent.be

Be sure to read all documentation on this site carefully in order to understand how the port works and how you can extend it with other Click Router elements or your own elements. 

Considerable time has been spent to realize this port and, by making it publicly available, we hope that other people will continue to work on it and make their contributions and improvements also publicly available to the Click community and that one day it may become part of the Click main branch. 

Best regards,
the IBCN research group

dr. ir. Jeroen Hoebeke
Ghent University - IBBT
Department of Information Technology (INTEC)
Gaston Crommenlaan 8 bus 201, B-9050 Gent

Tel.:          	+32 (0)9 33 14954
Secr.:          	+32 (0)9 33 14900	
Fax :            	+32 (0)9 33 14899
E-mail:          	jeroen.hoebeke at intec.UGent.be
Website:        	http://www.ibcn.intec.UGent.be	

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