[Click] Unqueue bug

Bart Braem bart.braem at ua.ac.be
Mon Feb 22 07:59:39 EST 2010

Dear list,

We have found strange behaviour with the Unqueue element in the following script:

InfiniteSource(LIMIT 5)
	-> Print("beforeQueue")
	-> SimpleQueue
	-> unqueue :: Unqueue(LIMIT 1)
	-> Print("afterQueue")
	-> Script(TYPE PACKET, write unqueue.reset);

We would expect this to print multiple times, and actually the script only prints once. The issue seems to be that inside the element _worked is added to _count, after _count was reset by the handler call...

best regards,
Bart Braem
PATS research group - IBBT
Dept. of Mathematics and Computer Sciences
University of Antwerp
Campus Middelheim, G3.27
Middelheimlaan 1
B-2020 Antwerpen, Belgium
Phone: +32 (0)3 265.38.82
Fax: +32 (0)3 265.37.77
Web: www.pats.ua.ac.be

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