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Bobby Longpocket bobbylongpocket at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 25 14:29:37 EDT 2010

ARPQuerier will stop trying to resolve an unresolved address once the poll timeout elapses (60 seconds, by default).

Once poll timeout elapses, ARPTable::lookup returns a flag ( r == 1 ) to indicate that the caller should re-probe this address.  It assumes that this re-probe will happen and sets the ARP entry's 'polled at' time to 'now'.  The problem is that the caller (ARPQuerier::handle_ip) ignores the return value from lookup() if the returned entry is unresolved (dst_mac == broadcast) and does not perform the probe.  When ARPQuerier::handle_ip later calls ARPTable::append_query, it gets a response back of "no need to re-probe" because the entry is marked as having just been probed.


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