[Click] Queue lost bytes

María Gómez maria_gn1 at hotmail.com
Tue Sep 15 06:20:18 EDT 2009

Hi again,

I want to see how many bytes -no packets- lost Queue.
I try

FromDump ($file, TIMING true, STOP true)
  -> c::Counter
  -> q:: Queue (20)
  -> BandwidthRatedUnqueue (1 Mbps)
  -> Queue
  -> ToDevice(tun0)

q[1]-> cq::Counter -> Discard

but q.drops 2245 and cq.byte_count 0.

Other little question: i  want to know how to read several handlers, i make:
./click ../conf/file.click -h c.count -h q.drops -h ....
Is there any way contracted?



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