[Click] questions about dhcp package for click

kevin zhou zhouweicheng at gmail.com
Sat Jan 10 11:18:40 EST 2009

hi kohler
I'm a user of click, recently I'm adding dhcp package to click, but
just meet some quesions.
I' m so glad if you can help me, thanks.

I downloaded click and dhcp package from http://read.cs.ucla.edu/click/cvs .
The question is that when I use the server.click in
dhcp/conf/server.click, the following error msges are shown:
#click server.click
#server.click:6: unknown element class 'DHCPServerLeases'

I do lots of work to find 'DHCPServerLeases', but didn't found.

Could you help me how to write a dhcpserver  conf file for click?


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