[Click] Hi all, I had one problem about my click router!

dong yin yindong1982 at gmail.com
Tue Feb 24 13:40:34 EST 2009

Hi all,

I'm a beginner about Click. Recently, I have playing with Click to builder
up a simple IP router including a bgp Ip router table that contains about
250,000 routers. Unfortunately, when I run click router, it seems that the
IP table just contain the first 4096 routers in my bgp Lookup table,
whatever I do to change the elements for building the lookup tables such as
rangeIPlookup, RadixIPLookup, StaticIPLookup, they are all the same. But the
instruction online about the iproutetable says that click can build up a
table including 167,000 routes. What haPppened to my Click router? Did I
make any mistakes ? Any one who knows, Please do my a favor. If I want to
add more than 250,000 routes, should I modify some source codes? Thank you
all very much.

Best regards,

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