[Click] Problem with tap device's communication

sendoa vaz sendoav at gmail.com
Sun Aug 24 18:42:06 EDT 2008

Hello everybody,

I am trying to communication two or more ethernet switches and for that I am
running each switch configuration separately using the userlevel module. For
the connection between switches first I used the click-combine tool but the
element RouterLink was unknown for the compiler and I got errors. I decided
then to use tap devices and model every link between the switches using one
tap device per link. I don't get any error but I don't know why the packets
aren't forwarded or broadcasted. These are the configuration examples of
three switches, they are pretty the same...I have created the tap devices
previously using the command tunctl.


Switch0  :: EtherSwitch();

TimedSource-> EtherEncap(0x0800, 1:1:1:1:1:1,


Switch1  :: EtherSwitch();



Switch2  :: EtherSwitch();


Does anyone know what am I doing wrong?
Or does anyone have another idea to connect the switches using tap devices??

Thanks in advance

Sendoa Vaz

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