[Click] OS X compilation issue

Michael Voorhaen michael.voorhaen at ua.ac.be
Sat Apr 26 06:32:45 EDT 2008

This issue comes up when compiling userlevel click-1.6.0 and click-git  
on OS X 10.5.2.

When compiling the compiler gives the following error:

   CXX ../elements/standard/suppressor.cc
../elements/standard/suppressor.hh: In member function 'bool  
Suppressor::suppressed(int) const':
../elements/standard/suppressor.hh:46: error: invalid conversion from  
'const fd_set*' to 'fd_set*'
../elements/standard/suppressor.hh:46: error:   initializing argument  
2 of 'int __darwin_fd_isset(int, fd_set*)'
make[1]: *** [suppressor.o] Error 1
make: *** [userlevel] Error 2

The problem is caused by the following method in suppressor.hh:

   bool suppressed(int output) const { return FD_ISSET(output,  
&_suppressed); }

Apparently the FD_ISSET function in darwin is not a 'const' declared  
call. Removing the 'const' modifier resolves the problem.

   bool suppressed(int output) { return FD_ISSET(output,  
&_suppressed); }

Eddie, could you add this fix to the git version?


IBBT - PATS research group
Dept. of Mathematics and Computer Sciences
University of Antwerp
Campus Middelheim, G3.30
Middelheimlaan 1
B-2020 Antwerpen, Belgium
Phone: +32 (0)3 265.32.91
Fax: +32 (0)3 265.37.77
Web: www.pats.ua.ac.be/michael.voorhaen

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