[Click] Please help. TCP and UDP Headers problems.

Josh Butler tuna_armadillo at hotmail.com
Wed Nov 21 19:57:08 EST 2007

Hi all,

Hoping I'll get a response to this one, not got anything back on my last
two questions... My element contains the following code which I thought
was ok, but "sudo make install" tells me isn't.


66  const click_ip *iph = p->ip_header(); // Get pointer to IP Header
68   if (!iph) // Make sure it's a valid header
69   {				
70     p->kill(); // Kill if invalid to avoid memory leaks  
71     return;
72   }
74   SrcIP = iph->ip_src;
75   DstIP = iph->ip_dst;
77   if (iph->ip_p == 6) //Is packet tcp?
78   {
79   click_tcp *tcph = p->tcp_header(); //get pointer to tcp header.
80   SrcPort = tcph->th_sport;
81   DstPort = tcph->th_dport;
82   }
84   else if (iph->ip_p == 17){ //Is packet udp?
85   click_udp *udph = p->udp_header(); //get pointer to udp header. 
86   SrcPort = udph->uh_sport;
87   DstPort = udph->uh_dport;
88   }


Terminal shows the following errors:

./elements/local/mytee.cc: In member function ‘virtual void
MyTee::push(int, Packet*)’:

./elements/local/mytee.cc:80: error: invalid conversion from ‘const
click_tcp*’ to ‘click_tcp*’

./elements/local/mytee.cc:81: error: invalid use of undefined type
‘struct click_tcp’

./include/click/packet.hh:17: error: forward declaration of ‘struct

./elements/local/mytee.cc:82: error: invalid use of undefined type
‘struct click_tcp’

./include/click/packet.hh:17: error: forward declaration of ‘struct

./elements/local/mytee.cc:86: error: invalid conversion from ‘const
click_udp*’ to ‘click_udp*’

./elements/local/mytee.cc:87: error: invalid use of undefined type
‘struct click_udp’

./include/click/packet.hh:18: error: forward declaration of ‘struct

./elements/local/mytee.cc:88: error: invalid use of undefined type
‘struct click_udp’

./include/click/packet.hh:18: error: forward declaration of ‘struct

Any idea what the problem is, because I can't get my head round it.


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