[Click] delay problem

Povilas Germanavicius germas at gmail.com
Mon Jun 4 11:49:53 EDT 2007

Good afternoon,

I am having the serious problems with click configuration. Here is my

 elementclass PktProcessing {
         input -> SetIPAddress( // src IP
            -> StoreIPAddress(12) // stores the src IP
        -> SetIPAddress( // dst IP
        -> StoreIPAddress(16) // stores the dst IP
        -> SetIPChecksum
            -> ipc :: IPClassifier(tcp, udp, -)
        -> SetTCPChecksum
        -> encap :: EtherEncap(0x8000,  00:20:A6:58:56:40,
                ->WifiEncap(0x00, 00:20:A6:58:56:40)
                -> output;
         ipc[1] -> SetUDPChecksum -> encap;
         ipc[2] ->     encap;



        -> Strip(14)
        -> CheckIPHeader()
        -> classify::IPClassifier(ip dscp 46,
                      ip dscp 34,
                      ip dscp 0,
                       -> Print("audio")
                        -> PktProcessing
                        -> RTqueue ->
                    -> sched::SimplePrioSched;

                         -> leakybucket::LeakyBucket(25000);
                               -> Print("video")
                                -> PktProcessing
                                -> RTqueue;
                                -> Print("leakybucket_drop_out")
                                -> Discard();
                        -> Queue
                        -> BandwidthRatedUnqueue(200000 bps)
                        -> Print("shaper_output")
                        -> PktProcessing
                        -> Discard();
                    //   NRTQueue-> [1]sched;

sched -> ToDevice(ath1);

The LeakyBucket element implemented by me and it's tested on simpler
configurations (it's value 25000 is bytes/second).
In case of testing this configuration I am using a packet generator (Packgen
0.2). I send a traffic for a 60 seconds. I generate UDP packets all the time
and TCP for 30 second which interupts only on 30st second  with the rate of
10 mbps. The traffic is send to the local loop, so click captures them. I am
transmiting packets over wireless and it's a one-hop configuration. The
problem is that even when I discard all TCP packets like it is done in this
configuration, UDP packets suffer a lot in respect end_to_end and
throughput. And when I reduce the TCP shaping rate to 200kbps for example,
UDP packets suffer less, although I keep discarding the TCP. So there may be
some delay problems on the IPClassifier or on reading from the local loop.
Can it be so? And if yes then how can I overcome this problem?


Povilas Germanavičius
tel. +37067612600
msn: germasss at hotmail.com
skype: povilasgermas

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