[Click] Repeatable way to kernel panic via Click?

dmoore7@nd.edu dmoore7 at nd.edu
Wed Aug 22 10:16:56 EDT 2007

Hello all,
I've been working with click most of the summer and seem to have found a
repeatable way to make a kernel panic (something not-so-fun as my servers are
not physically accessible).
It is avoidable with a little care, but I presume folks will want to know about

The machine in question has 2 NIC's, and if I ssh in on NIC1, and then attempt
to run this click file, without bringing up the second NIC via ifconfig, I get
the following error:

[root at filius ~]# click-install ./Filius.click

Message from syslogd at filius at Wed Aug 22 10:03:54 2007 ...
filius kernel: BUG: spinlock wrong CPU on CPU#2, click-install/12444

Message from syslogd at filius at Wed Aug 22 10:03:54 2007 ...
filius kernel:  lock: f8c79c44, .magic: dead4ead, .owner: click-install/12444,
.owner_cpu: 1

At this stage the ssh window stops responding, the machine no longer responds to
pings, and hard reset is needed.  I can avoid this if I take care to "ifconfig
up" my eth's ahead of time.
For those interested, the click file in question is included below.  Basically
it performs To and From Device and Host on an eth that was not up at the time,
in addition to a bunch of other stuff.
It also spoofs a bunch of IP's for fun and games.

To recap: I can work around this issue, but I thought the community might
benefit from me showing this.
 - David Moore

The File:
//Routing Configuration for Host Filius
// Routing for Device eth2
// All from's and to's this real device and its spoof children
// Real Device Connection
RealFromDevice_eth2 :: FromDevice(eth2);
RealToDevice_eth2 :: Queue -> ToDevice(eth2);
// Real Host Spoof
RealFromHost_eth2 :: FromHost(fake_eth2,, ETHER
RealToHost_eth2 :: ToHost(fake_eth2);

// Spoof Host spoof_eth2_0
FromHost(spoof_eth2_0,, ETHER 00:04:23:C2:8A:EC) -> Queue ->
BandwidthRatedUnqueue(1000000000 bps) -> Queue -> SpoofFromHost_spoof_eth2_0 ::
DelayUnqueue(100 ms)
SpoofToHost_spoof_eth2_0 :: Queue -> BandwidthRatedUnqueue(1000000000 bps) ->
Queue -> DelayUnqueue(100 ms) -> ToHost(spoof_eth2_0);

// Spoof Host spoof_eth2_1
FromHost(spoof_eth2_1,, ETHER 00:04:23:C2:8A:EC) -> Queue ->
BandwidthRatedUnqueue(1000000000 bps) -> Queue -> SpoofFromHost_spoof_eth2_1 ::
DelayUnqueue(100 ms)
SpoofToHost_spoof_eth2_1 :: Queue -> BandwidthRatedUnqueue(1000000000 bps) ->
Queue -> DelayUnqueue(100 ms) -> ToHost(spoof_eth2_1);

// Spoof Host spoof_eth2_2
FromHost(spoof_eth2_2,, ETHER 00:04:23:C2:8A:EC) -> Queue ->
BandwidthRatedUnqueue(1000000000 bps) -> Queue -> SpoofFromHost_spoof_eth2_2 ::
DelayUnqueue(100 ms)
SpoofToHost_spoof_eth2_2 :: Queue -> BandwidthRatedUnqueue(1000000000 bps) ->
Queue -> DelayUnqueue(100 ms) -> ToHost(spoof_eth2_2);

// Spoof Host spoof_eth2_3
FromHost(spoof_eth2_3,, ETHER 00:04:23:C2:8A:EC) -> Queue ->
BandwidthRatedUnqueue(1000000000 bps) -> Queue -> SpoofFromHost_spoof_eth2_3 ::
DelayUnqueue(100 ms)
SpoofToHost_spoof_eth2_3 :: Queue -> BandwidthRatedUnqueue(1000000000 bps) ->
Queue -> DelayUnqueue(100 ms) -> ToHost(spoof_eth2_3);

// Spoof Host spoof_eth2_4
FromHost(spoof_eth2_4,, ETHER 00:04:23:C2:8A:EC) -> Queue ->
BandwidthRatedUnqueue(1000000000 bps) -> Queue -> SpoofFromHost_spoof_eth2_4 ::
DelayUnqueue(100 ms)
SpoofToHost_spoof_eth2_4 :: Queue -> BandwidthRatedUnqueue(1000000000 bps) ->
Queue -> DelayUnqueue(100 ms) -> ToHost(spoof_eth2_4);

// Spoof Host spoof_eth2_5
FromHost(spoof_eth2_5,, ETHER 00:04:23:C2:8A:EC) -> Queue ->
BandwidthRatedUnqueue(1000000000 bps) -> Queue -> SpoofFromHost_spoof_eth2_5 ::
DelayUnqueue(100 ms)
SpoofToHost_spoof_eth2_5 :: Queue -> BandwidthRatedUnqueue(1000000000 bps) ->
Queue -> DelayUnqueue(100 ms) -> ToHost(spoof_eth2_5);

// Spoof Host spoof_eth2_6
FromHost(spoof_eth2_6,, ETHER 00:04:23:C2:8A:EC) -> Queue ->
BandwidthRatedUnqueue(1000000000 bps) -> Queue -> SpoofFromHost_spoof_eth2_6 ::
DelayUnqueue(100 ms)
SpoofToHost_spoof_eth2_6 :: Queue -> BandwidthRatedUnqueue(1000000000 bps) ->
Queue -> DelayUnqueue(100 ms) -> ToHost(spoof_eth2_6);

// Spoof Host spoof_eth2_7
FromHost(spoof_eth2_7,, ETHER 00:04:23:C2:8A:EC) -> Queue ->
BandwidthRatedUnqueue(1000000000 bps) -> Queue -> SpoofFromHost_spoof_eth2_7 ::
DelayUnqueue(100 ms)
SpoofToHost_spoof_eth2_7 :: Queue -> BandwidthRatedUnqueue(1000000000 bps) ->
Queue -> DelayUnqueue(100 ms) -> ToHost(spoof_eth2_7);

// Spoof Host spoof_eth2_8
FromHost(spoof_eth2_8,, ETHER 00:04:23:C2:8A:EC) -> Queue ->
BandwidthRatedUnqueue(1000000000 bps) -> Queue -> SpoofFromHost_spoof_eth2_8 ::
DelayUnqueue(100 ms)
SpoofToHost_spoof_eth2_8 :: Queue -> BandwidthRatedUnqueue(1000000000 bps) ->
Queue -> DelayUnqueue(100 ms) -> ToHost(spoof_eth2_8);

// Spoof Host spoof_eth2_9
FromHost(spoof_eth2_9,, ETHER 00:04:23:C2:8A:EC) -> Queue ->
BandwidthRatedUnqueue(1000000000 bps) -> Queue -> SpoofFromHost_spoof_eth2_9 ::
DelayUnqueue(100 ms)
SpoofToHost_spoof_eth2_9 :: Queue -> BandwidthRatedUnqueue(1000000000 bps) ->
Queue -> DelayUnqueue(100 ms) -> ToHost(spoof_eth2_9);

// Spoof Host spoof_eth2_10
FromHost(spoof_eth2_10,, ETHER 00:04:23:C2:8A:EC) -> Queue ->
BandwidthRatedUnqueue(1000000000 bps) -> Queue -> SpoofFromHost_spoof_eth2_10
:: DelayUnqueue(100 ms)
SpoofToHost_spoof_eth2_10 :: Queue -> BandwidthRatedUnqueue(1000000000 bps) ->
Queue -> DelayUnqueue(100 ms) -> ToHost(spoof_eth2_10);

// Now we define all globally used Pipe's and Switches
// Entrance for all inc on real devices traffic, splits IP and 'others'
YePipeInc_eth2 :: Classifier( 12/0800,// IP packets
			 -);	// Any others

// Entrance for all inc on host traffic, splits IP and 'others'
YePipeOut_eth2 :: Classifier( 12/0800,// IP packets
			 -);	// Any others

UnknownOutTee_eth2 :: Tee; // For non-IP traffic to pass unhindered
UnknownIncTee_eth2 :: Tee; // For non-IP traffic to pass unhindered

PipeOutRealToDevice_eth2_0 :: Print(OutPipe) -> Strip(14) -> EtherEncap(0x0800,
00:04:23:C2:8A:EC, 00:04:23:C2:8C:1E) ->
Queue -> BandwidthRatedUnqueue(1000000000 bps) -> Queue -> DelayUnqueue(0 ms) ->

//This Adds pipe IP and click_name to the routing table for external routes

// Splitter to grab any packet destined for a local real or spoof device
LocalDstSplitter_eth2 :: IPClassifier(dst, // dst for
                                 dst, // dst for
                                 dst, // dst for
                                 dst, // dst for
                                 dst, // dst for
                                 dst, // dst for
                                 dst, // dst for
                                 dst, // dst for
                                 dst, // dst for
                                 dst, // dst for
                                 dst, // dst for
                                 dst, // dst for
                                 -); // All other IP packets
// Splitter to grab any packet destined for a connected real device
RemoteDstSplitter_eth2 :: IPClassifier(dst, // dst for
                                  dst, // dst for
                                  -); // All other IP packets

// Routing Setup
// All packets coming in on Real Devices must be passed to YePipeInc
// All packets going out on From all real and spoof interfaces must be passed to
// Now you see why we call them Ye Pipes!
RealFromDevice_eth2 -> Print(FromDevice) -> YePipeInc_eth2
RealFromHost_eth2 -> Print(FromRealHost) -> YePipeOut_eth2
SpoofFromHost_spoof_eth2_0 -> Print(FromSpoofHost) -> YePipeOut_eth2
SpoofFromHost_spoof_eth2_1 -> Print(FromSpoofHost) -> YePipeOut_eth2
SpoofFromHost_spoof_eth2_2 -> Print(FromSpoofHost) -> YePipeOut_eth2
SpoofFromHost_spoof_eth2_3 -> Print(FromSpoofHost) -> YePipeOut_eth2
SpoofFromHost_spoof_eth2_4 -> Print(FromSpoofHost) -> YePipeOut_eth2
SpoofFromHost_spoof_eth2_5 -> Print(FromSpoofHost) -> YePipeOut_eth2
SpoofFromHost_spoof_eth2_6 -> Print(FromSpoofHost) -> YePipeOut_eth2
SpoofFromHost_spoof_eth2_7 -> Print(FromSpoofHost) -> YePipeOut_eth2
SpoofFromHost_spoof_eth2_8 -> Print(FromSpoofHost) -> YePipeOut_eth2
SpoofFromHost_spoof_eth2_9 -> Print(FromSpoofHost) -> YePipeOut_eth2
SpoofFromHost_spoof_eth2_10 -> Print(FromSpoofHost) -> YePipeOut_eth2

YePipeInc_eth2[1] -> UnknownIncTee_eth2; // Non-IP traffic heads off unhindered
YePipeOut_eth2[1] -> UnknownOutTee_eth2; // Non-IP traffic heads off unhindered

YePipeInc_eth2[0] -> Print(PipeIncToLclSplitter) -> LocalDstSplitter_eth2; //
All IP traffic hits the first splitter
YePipeOut_eth2[0] -> Print(PipeOutToLclSplitter) -> LocalDstSplitter_eth2; //
All IP traffic hits the first splitter

// Here all non-IP traffic is passed on: outgoing traffic on all outgoing
// and incoming traffic to all registered hosts.
UnknownIncTee_eth2[0] -> RealToHost_eth2
UnknownOutTee_eth2[0] -> RealToDevice_eth2
UnknownIncTee_eth2[1] -> SpoofToHost_spoof_eth2_0
UnknownIncTee_eth2[2] -> SpoofToHost_spoof_eth2_1
UnknownIncTee_eth2[3] -> SpoofToHost_spoof_eth2_2
UnknownIncTee_eth2[4] -> SpoofToHost_spoof_eth2_3
UnknownIncTee_eth2[5] -> SpoofToHost_spoof_eth2_4
UnknownIncTee_eth2[6] -> SpoofToHost_spoof_eth2_5
UnknownIncTee_eth2[7] -> SpoofToHost_spoof_eth2_6
UnknownIncTee_eth2[8] -> SpoofToHost_spoof_eth2_7
UnknownIncTee_eth2[9] -> SpoofToHost_spoof_eth2_8
UnknownIncTee_eth2[10] -> SpoofToHost_spoof_eth2_9
UnknownIncTee_eth2[11] -> SpoofToHost_spoof_eth2_10
UnknownOutTee_eth2[1] -> UnknownIncTee_eth2; // For the benefit of Spoof ARP's,
we send non-IP stuff back around

// Time to process the IP traffic: which was sent through the filter for local
LocalDstSplitter_eth2[0] -> Print(ToHost) -> RealToHost_eth2;
LocalDstSplitter_eth2[1] -> Print(ToHost) -> SpoofToHost_spoof_eth2_0;
LocalDstSplitter_eth2[2] -> Print(ToHost) -> SpoofToHost_spoof_eth2_1;
LocalDstSplitter_eth2[3] -> Print(ToHost) -> SpoofToHost_spoof_eth2_2;
LocalDstSplitter_eth2[4] -> Print(ToHost) -> SpoofToHost_spoof_eth2_3;
LocalDstSplitter_eth2[5] -> Print(ToHost) -> SpoofToHost_spoof_eth2_4;
LocalDstSplitter_eth2[6] -> Print(ToHost) -> SpoofToHost_spoof_eth2_5;
LocalDstSplitter_eth2[7] -> Print(ToHost) -> SpoofToHost_spoof_eth2_6;
LocalDstSplitter_eth2[8] -> Print(ToHost) -> SpoofToHost_spoof_eth2_7;
LocalDstSplitter_eth2[9] -> Print(ToHost) -> SpoofToHost_spoof_eth2_8;
LocalDstSplitter_eth2[10] -> Print(ToHost) -> SpoofToHost_spoof_eth2_9;
LocalDstSplitter_eth2[11] -> Print(ToHost) -> SpoofToHost_spoof_eth2_10;
// This final output is sent on to the remote splitter
LocalDstSplitter_eth2[12] -> Print(ToRemoteSplitter) -> RemoteDstSplitter_eth2;
// Not local destination, on to routing fun

// Now we process all IP traffic that is NOT going to a local destination
RemoteDstSplitter_eth2[0] -> PipeOutRealToDevice_eth2_0;
RemoteDstSplitter_eth2[1] -> PipeOutRealToDevice_eth2_0;
RemoteDstSplitter_eth2[2] -> Print(Discarded) -> Discard; // No idea who its
going to, drop it

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