[Click] Using class templates compile, but fail to link at runtime.

Paine, Thomas Asa PAINETA at uwec.edu
Fri Sep 29 14:10:37 EDT 2006

	I have added a simple template based class to my own package,
but for some reason it will not link when click-install is run.  When I
build the package I have no compilation errors and everything seems to
look good.  The class uses the ELEMENT_PROVIDES(HistoryQueue) and the
user element uses ELEMENT_REQUIRES(HistoryQueue).  Checking the
kelements.conf and elementmap-tms.xml files I can see everything is
accounted for.  As well, all the .ko files are produced.  If I implement
my class without using templates it compiles, links, and loads fine (and

However, when I try to load my TMS package with the template version of
the implementation I get this...

click: starting router thread pid 28918 (f6699de0)
tms: Unknown symbol _ZN12HistoryQueueI5EventE3popEv
tms: Unknown symbol _ZN12HistoryQueueI5EventED1Ev
tms: Unknown symbol _ZN12HistoryQueueI5EventEC1Ej
tms: Unknown symbol _ZN12HistoryQueueI5EventE4pushERS0_
click: stopping router thread pid 28918

Is there something special like a pecompiler setting, something I need
to declare, macro, or something in the packages Makefile I need to
add/change when using templates in my classes?  When looking at things
like bighashmap or vector (which also use templates), I don't see any
major differences (except for what seems to be misplaced CLICK_ENDDECLS
and CLICK_DECLS macros in those).

   Thomas Paine (paineta at uwec.edu) 
   University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire 
   garbage foo(garbage g){return(g);} 

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