[Click] confused about HandlerCall::call_write context

Peter De Cleyn peter.decleyn at gmail.com
Thu Nov 23 05:26:40 EST 2006

Hi all,

I was trying to reuse some older code (click 1.4.3) with the current CVS
branch and fell over a change in the HandlerCall::call_write functions. I
used it to call handlers of elements of which I knew the name, but did not
had a pointer to. In the old days, you had to supply a Router object at
which the handlers were registered.

static int call_write(const String& hdesc_with_value, Router*, ErrorHandler*
= 0);

Now instead, an element is expected wich in the header files is called

static int HandlerCall::call_write(const String&, Element*, ErrorHandler*)

Could anyone (Eddy?) give me a clue about this context element? Can I just
pass a pointer to the element which is calling the call_write function and
expect the same behaviour?



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