[Click] AnonymizeIPAddr and ethernet headers

Brian Gallaway gallaway at cs.usask.ca
Wed Oct 26 18:17:00 EDT 2005

I am using the ipsumdump program derived from Click to do anonymization 
and sanitization of VOIP traces.  In the end, I will need to capture 
traffic from the live network, and write the results to a tcpdump file.  
The hard parts regarding decoding the VOIP packets and dropping RTP 
voice data have already been completed.

I also decided to tackle anonymizing ethernet MAC addresses.  I added 
the following code to AnonymizeIPAddr::simple_action() :

       // bdg730 - anonymize ethernet by simply writing the ipaddress
       //          in place of the MAC address
       //FIXME: memset and memcpy segfault on live captures
       click_ether *eth = q->ether_header();

However, as you can tell from the comments, this code only worked
when I had ipsumdump read an existing tcpdump capture.  Running this
live on the network causes a segfault.

The reason for the segfault is that the Packet object 'q' has a null 
ethernet header.  When capturing from a tcpdump file, this header is 
present and can be modified.  The modifications will be reflected in 
the tcpdump file that is written by ipsumdump.  But when capturing from 
the live network, the header is not available to AnonymizeIPAddr.  Yet 
the ethernet header will end up being written to the final dump file.

I am just wondering what the reasons are for the differences in behavior 
here, and if there is somewhere else in the pipeline that I could 
safely get at and modify the ethernet header before it is output to 


Brian Gallaway
Department of Computer Science
University of Saskatchewan
phone: 306 966-2662
email: gallaway at cs.usask.ca

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