[Click] /etc/samplepackage in

"Christian Dörr" christian.doerr at gmx.de
Fri Jun 3 15:10:36 EDT 2005


I've tried to use the click packaging starting from the example in

Unfortunately as building the unchanged example, I'm getting some errors
from make in respect to the files

saying that elements like irq_vector, NR_IRQS, MAC_IRQ_SOURCES etc. are
undeclared. Nevertheless, I got a sample.uo, but when I start it in
userlevel mode, click reports a couple of syntax errors and an undeclared
element "ELF".

I'm using Mandrake 10.1 with the click-patched kernel from
kernel.org. Has anyone experienced the same or can give me some advice how
to solve the issue?

Thank you very much in advance,

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