[Click] Ethernet MAC address and click...

Nicholas Weaver nweaver at ICSI.Berkeley.EDU
Wed Feb 16 17:41:36 EST 2005

On common hardware (particularly intel ethernet chipsets), in user
mode (FreeBSD):

Is it possible for ToDevice to preserve the from MAC address in the
header of packets passed to it?  Or am I stuck with the observed
behavior: the from MAC is assigned to that associated with the
ethernet card?

The simple queue:

FromDevice(em0) -> Queue -> ToDevice(em1);

TCPDump em0 side:
14:14:58.900668 0:d0:bb:fa:86:19 ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff 0806 60: 
		arp who-has tell

TCPDump em1 side (verified at a 2nd machine attached to em1's switch):
14:14:58.900710 0:e:c:69:f:7e ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff 0806 60: 
		arp who-has tell

(em1 outputs gain em1's MAC address)

Barring that, does anyone have a bootp/dhcp proxy code in Click?  

Many thanks.

Nicholas C. Weaver                               nweaver at icsi.berkeley.edu
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