[Click] 2.6 Kernel Patch for Click 1.4.3

Ross C Mcilroy mcilrorc at dcs.gla.ac.uk
Fri Feb 4 07:00:29 EST 2005

Hi Eddie,

Yes, you can definitely include it in Click, that's the reason I posted
it :-).

I'm sure, with some minor tweaking, the patch will also work on the
2.6.10 kernel.   There is not a huge difference between 2.6.9 and 2.6.10
as far as I'm aware (not as big as between 2.4 and 2.6 anyway :-)).

As I mentioned, I've not changed the scripts which create the
elements.mk file, this means it needs to be manually changed to add new
elements.  I've written the example elements.mk file in such a way that
it should be reasonably easy to create with the script, as long as you
know which directory each element comes from.

Let me know if you have any other questions


-----Original Message-----
From: Eddie Kohler [mailto:kohler at cs.ucla.edu] 
Sent: 04 February 2005 07:40
To: Ross C Mcilroy
Cc: click at amsterdam.lcs.mit.edu
Subject: Re: [Click] 2.6 Kernel Patch for Click 1.4.3


This is literally fabulous.  Can we include it in Click??  Do you think
patch will work on 2.6.10?


Ross C Mcilroy wrote:
> Hi,
> I've been working on a patch for click so that it works in kernel
level under the 2.6.9 linux kernel, based upon the preliminary work of
Francis Bogsanyi.  I've managed to get it to work (for what I need
anyway) and thought I would post it.  I noticed there were problems with
sending attachements to this list, so I've put it up on my website
(http://www.dcs.gla.ac.uk/~mcilrorc/stuff.html) along with instructions
on how to use it.  
> Some of the changes may look pointless (such as adding a -
get_the_blank_handler function to the router class) but these were made
in order to prevent common symbols in the resulting object file, which
modprobe complains about.  Also, I had to remove the ipratemon from the
list of elements which can run under the kernel, since it uses floats,
and so doesn't compile within the kernel build tree.
> I've modified elements.mk as well as the Makefile, since the makefile
needs to know where the source files are located.  I've not changed the
scripts which create elements.mk, so you'll need to copy it manually
across, and obviously you'll need to modify it if you want to use
different elements. 
> I've also not modified click-install, so this will not install the
click modules into the kernel, instead you'll need to use make install,
and cat the configuration into the config file on the click filesystem.
> It seems to work for me, but I've not tested many of the elements.
> Thanks,
> Ross
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