[Click] Intel Pro/1000MT - 82545GM Controller

Beyers Cronje bcronje at cs.co.za
Thu Oct 21 09:11:21 EDT 2004


Recently purchased a new Intel Pro/1000MT card with 82545GM controller. Unfortunately the supplied E1000 click driver with Poll extensions does not support this card. I've managed to get it working by adding the necesary device IDs to the e1000_pci_tbl[] table and changing the existing "#define E1000_DEV_ID_82545EM_COPPER 0x100F" in e1000_hw.h to "#define E1000_DEV_ID_82545EM_COPPER 0x1026" to reflect the new device ID. This workaround seems to work alright, but I'm wondering what functionality/performance I'm loosing.

Has anyone done any work on updating the latest e1000 drivers that include support for 82545GM controllers to support click Polling extensions ? 

Kind regards

Beyers Cronje

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