[Click] Misc questions about Click

Paolo Pisati paolo.pisati at iit.cnr.it
Thu Apr 22 18:24:58 EDT 2004


I'm a newbie click user and i've a couple of questions for
the guru out there:

1) i tried a couple of examples presented on the web site but i couldn't
make the tun stuff work.
To put it simple:

KernelTun creates the tun interface and open the appropriate tun device,
and while i can send packet to the net interface, it doesn't return  

I'm using FreeBSD as host OS, and i'm talking about the test-tun example.
I didn't make any modification to the example, and it doesn't emit
anything (as it should do if everything is ok).

2) I've to create a lot of different packets from different sources, and  
right now
i'm using InfiniteSource for this, but then i've to multiplex somehow all  
the packets and let
them enter into a single node.
How can i do that?
Is there a sort of multiplexer node to do that?

I'll appreciate any suggestions,


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