[Click] error in insmod e1000.o

giovanni.giardinelli at tin.it giovanni.giardinelli at tin.it
Fri Nov 7 12:09:14 EST 2003

I'm new CLICK user, and I have problem using the intel PRO 1000 MT Server
Adapter cards.
I'm using a 2.4.20 Linux kernel, so I have successfully installed the e1000
driver for this kernel, to use the click with the polling extension:

-cd /click/drivers/e1000-4.x/src
-make install

But, when I try to insert the e1000 module, with:

-cd /lib/modules/2.4.20/kernel/drivers/net
-insmod e1000.o 

I find this error:

-e1000.o : init_module: no such device
-Hint: insmod errors can be caused by incorrect module -parameters, including
invalid IO or IRQ parameters.

Any help will be very appreciated!

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