[Fwd: Re: BURST parameter]

Brecht Vermeulen brecht.vermeulen at rug.ac.be
Fri May 9 10:36:15 EDT 2003

[sorry, in my previous mail my computer still lived on Monday May 5th
:-) ]


> Our experiments generally use those defaults. I wouldn't say we determined
> the ABSOLUTE BESTS, which would probably change from configuration to
> configuration anyway; but I don't remember that particular settings made
> much difference (once you were above 2 or so).

I have similar experience, just tried to change it, but didn't notice
any big difference. I have not done detailed measurements on this
however with every burst size possible.

> > 2) In the ethernet Intel PRO1000 there is a features that check CRC of
> > packets directly on the card....in your system click use this features of
> > card or make this with CPU?
> I believe that we use this feature. Confirmation, anyone?

We have a setup where we use some mediaconvertors to convert it to
single mode fibre and with some 12 km fibre in between and there I can
see a low number of Rx CRC errors in
/proc/net/PRO_LAN_Adapters/eth?.info, so I guess these numbers come from
the card itself which would mean that the card itself does CRC error


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