Panic involving e1000-4.x modified driver.

Barry Gowan barry_gowan at
Mon Jun 23 19:10:35 EDT 2003

I'm getting regular and reproducible kernel panics
on a fairly simple click configuration 2.4.18 kernel
and using a 4 port optical e1000 card (82544EI). 

I know that the panic trace below does not include a
Click polling function but perhaps someone could tell
me whether or not the Click polling extensions have
caused the panic? The cards are in polling mode when
the panic happens. 


>>EIP; e0805744 <[e1000]e1000_smbus_lock+ac8/64ab>  
Trace; e080226f <[e1000].text.start+20f/2c1c>
Trace; c0108dfd <free_irq+8d/b0>
Trace; c0115d68 <printk+128/140>
Trace; c01bb92a <qdisc_restart+1da/260>
Trace; c011d546 <del_timer_sync+406/e00>
Trace; c011d9b6 <del_timer_sync+876/e00>
Trace; c011a35b <tasklet_kill+db/110>
Trace; c011a21b <__tasklet_hi_schedule+13b/170>
Trace; c0119fbb <do_softirq+7b/e0>
Trace; c0108cbd <enable_irq+18d/1a0>
Trace; c0105400 <enable_hlt+10/1a0>
Trace; c0105400 <enable_hlt+10/1a0>
Trace; c010b088 <disable_irq_nosync+1c48/3010>
Trace; c01071d8 <__read_lock_failed+121c/27c4>
Trace; c01054b2 <enable_hlt+c2/1a0>
Trace; c0115bbb <panic+74b/7d0>
Trace; c0115d68 <printk+128/140>
Code;  e0805744 <[e1000]e1000_smbus_lock+ac8/64ab>
00000000 <_EIP>:
Code;  e0805744 <[e1000]e1000_smbus_lock+ac8/64ab>  
   0:   0f 0b                     ud2a      <=====
Code;  e0805746 <[e1000]e1000_smbus_lock+aca/64ab>
   2:   eb 3d                     jmp    41
<_EIP+0x41> e0805785 
Code;  e0805748 <[e1000]e1000_smbus_lock+acc/64ab>
   4:   8b 06                     mov    (%esi),%eax
Code;  e080574a <[e1000]e1000_smbus_lock+ace/64ab>
   6:   8b 40 08                  mov   
Code;  e080574d <[e1000]e1000_smbus_lock+ad1/64ab>
   9:   c7 86 98 00 00 00 00      movl  
Code;  e0805754 <[e1000]e1000_smbus_lock+ad8/64ab>
  10:   00 00 00
Code;  e0805757 <[e1000]e1000_smbus_lock+adb/64ab>
  13:   b9 00 00 00 00            mov    $0x0,%ecx

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