[Click] Terminating connections to click running in kernel mode

George Porter gporter at cs.berkeley.edu
Fri Dec 5 19:33:52 EST 2003

Hi Eddie,

I added the mac address of eth0 as an argument to "ToHost", and it worked 
fine.  Thanks for your help!

I found out what was happening.  Without adding that annotation, I got the 
following packet sequence when I telnetted to the box:

source  -> dst   SYN
dst -> source SYNACK
source  -> dst   ACK
source  -> dst   "Telnet Data ..." (that's what ethereal says)
dat -> source  ACK

and then nothing.  The problem was that since the machine was diskless, the 
NFS wasn't working for some reason without the annotations, and so the 
telnetd program couldn't get paged into memory from the disk to handle the 
request (I think).  So click was working, but there was no telnet daemon on 
the other end.

Anyways, thanks for your help,
George Porter

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