
Joe Joe.resortgolf at aol.com
Wed Apr 30 00:19:14 EDT 2003

If you spend an hour a day clicking for free traffic
on traffic exchanges, you'll earn about 5400 hits
to your website each month.

If your time is worth only $5 a hour, then you are
effectively spending $150 for those 5400 hits, or
about $27 for every 1000 visitors.

Join       http://www.TrafficGoesMLM.com,?joe0019
 get 13,500 visitors to
your website for a mere $29, and save those 30
precious hours of your life to build new businesses
or spend with your family.

Get in for free, build a downline in our forced matrix,
and upgrade only when you are ready to.

 there is always more money to be made,
but an hour spent clicking for free traffic is an hour you
can never get back.

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