
Shweta Bhandare Shweta.Bhandare at
Sat Jun 8 02:47:39 EDT 2002

Hi Eddie,

	This is about the ArpQuerier element .

	I send some packets to the arpquerier with the dst ip anno set . the arp
request is sent out immediately but the arp replies get in only after some

	Is it possible that some packets may be dropped by the arpquerier in the
meantime till the arp replies get back?
I am observing such a behavior so i just want to confirm that this is what
is indeed happening.

	Is there more information about Arpquerier in the click documentation that
that available on the web page?


Shweta Bhandare
University of Colorado at Boulder
Boulder, CO - 80303
Tel: 303-492-2759

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