How am I (wanting to) use CLICK.. QUESTIONS

Benjie Chen benjie at
Mon Jul 9 11:47:01 EDT 2001


the Click distribution has several elements that you can use to filter
packets. the filtering rules can be just about arbitrary as you'd like.
so you can use these elements to demultiplex traffic into different
paths and have different actions on each path. for example, shaping
certain paths by not others.

you can download the Click distribution from the Click webpage.

> 1.Can CLICK shape bandwidth by individual IP addresses on the subnet? 
> (Ugly solutions are acceptable for first delivery). Each address may have 
> a different bandwidth percentage.

yes and no. 

if you know the individual addresses of each IP addresses when you 
construct your router, you can specify a static shaping policy for 
each address. you would use a filter to demultiplex packets into 
several paths, each path shaped with a particular bandwidth percentage.

we don't have an element that dynamically shapes flows, but one can
easily write one with the help of the IPRateMonitor element. IPRateMonitor
will annotate each packet with per-flow rate, and you can write an
element that acts on the packet based on that annotation.

> 2.Can I use CLICK to ensure packets are not routed on the LAN of the host 
> is not logged on?

yes. see Paint and PaintTee elements and how they are used in the
IP router example. there is a fake IP router example in 

> 3.Is Click in serious use anywhere? Especially with the 2.4 kernel 
> patches, or would 2.2 be better at this time?

2.2.18 patch is fairly stable, although sometimes we still find bugs
in how we interact with the device driver. but a lot of people use it.
Click is in use in many places around the world. there are also places
that use Click to build their products.

> 4.Are there sample configurations? the documentation I’ve seen so far 
> either describes individual CLICK elements, etc., or theory, but does not 
> contain a number of PRACTICAL router configurations to study and compare. 
> Shapers in particular.

in conf/ directory of the distribution. we do have a set of bandwidth 
shaping elements that i believe you will find very helpful to you.
we would also be interested in new elements, comments, and suggestions.


benjie chen
benjie at

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