Your Click paper submitted to SIGCOMM

Jay Lepreau lepreau at
Fri Apr 21 05:42:09 EDT 2000

Eddie et al-
Remember you gave us that paper and said:
	(Don't redistribute or cite.)

We're doing an OSDI paper on the component composition
language/system we've developed.  Its main current target
is the OSKit, but to show broader applicability we cons'ed
up a partial Click system in C ("Clack" of course), and applied
it to that.

We're doing a modest performance comparison vs. the current Click just
to show we're tolerable (don't worry, you're faster, but that's not
our thrust).  It would be handy to be able to cite your paper (TR?)
in some form, since it's there you explain the current Click system.
Is there a way to cite it you like?

SIGCOMM is supposed to notify today.  Presumably you'll submit
to OSDI if you miss.  So can we just say "submitted to OSDI'00"
or "final version to appear, SIGCOMM'00", depending on what happens?

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