[chord] ambiguity in Chord - Paper

Anurag Phadke aphadke at usc.edu
Mon Dec 6 20:21:10 EST 2004

I am a Masters student at University of Southern California with great interest in P2P video streaming. While reading your Chord paper, I was not able to understand a couple of things:
URL: http://merlot.usc.edu/cs551-f04/papers/Stoica01a.pdf
>From the Stoica01a.pdf, page 6, figure 5-b. The caption says, Finger tables and key locations after node 3 leaves. However, the node 3 is shown by a green circle and the successor columns for all finger tables continue to show node 0,3 and 6, and node 1 no longer exists. Is there a typo in the caption, 'node 3' in place of 'node 1' or I need to read the paper again?

Also if my above assumption is correct, then for the finger table entry at node 0, shouldn't the first row last column have successor as '3' and not '0'? Reasoning: In the interval [1,2) the nearest node is # 3.   

Can you please clarify the above.
-Regards Anurag
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