General Information
Catalog description //
Who should take 6.828 //
Communication //
Grading //
Turn-in //
Homework //
Collaboration //
Class meetings //
Staff //
TA office hours
MIT catalog description
Prereq.: C, 6.033, and 6.170 (and, by implication, 6.004)
G (H)
6.828 studies fundamental design and implementation ideas in the
engineering of operating systems. Lectures are based on a study of
UNIX and research papers. Topics include virtual memory, threads, context
switches, kernels, interrupts, system calls, interprocess
communication, coordination, and the interaction between software and
hardware. Individual laboratory assignments involve implementation
of a small operating system in C, with some
x86 assembly.
Students can use 6.828 to fulfill the engineering concentration
requirements for Computer Systems.
Who should take 6.828?
6.828 is primarily intended for seniors and M.Eng students who want to
learn about operating systems in detail. PhD students are also welcome,
but note that 6.828 is not a "core" subject for the TQE.
We will distribute assignments and announcements on the course web site.
We expect students to check the 6.828 home page for
both news and assignments at least once a week. If you hear a rumor,
check it there.
Grading policy
Grades in 6.828 will be based on the results of two quizzes (one
during the term and one in final's week, 30% in total), lab exercises (50%),
and home-work assignments and class participation (together 20%).
Lab turn-in
To turn-in the labs, run gmake handin and submit the resulting tarball to
the hand-in
form. The handin must be received by 11:59pm on the day that
the lab is due.
You are required to turn in every lab in order to pass the class. You
have a total of 72 late hours to use throughout the semester, which
you can divide up among the assignments however you like; you don't
have to ask or tell us. Each day late in excess of 72 hours will
incur a full letter grade penalty on the lab exercise component of
your overall grade. For extensions under extenuating circumstances,
we require a letter from one of the student deans.
Homework answers must be submitted by the beginning of each
lecture. The homework is intended to make you think about the
upcoming lecture topic and get your hands dirty before coming
to class, in order to give you a firm grounding for understanding the
lectures. We do not grade your answers for correctness, but merely
check-off that you put reasonable effort into them.
You may not collaborate on quizzes.
You are welcome to discuss the homework and labs with other
students, but all of your written work and code must be your own and
must carefully
acknowledge all contributions of ideas by others, whether from
classmates or from sources you have read.
Do not post your lab or homework solutions on publicly accessible web
sites or file spaces.
Class meetings
Lectures will be held on Monday and Wednesday from 1:00pm to 2:30pm
in 32-144.
| Frans Kaashoek
| 32-G992
| x3-7149
| Robert Morris
| 32-G972
| x3-5983
| Teaching assistants
| Austin Clements
| Course secretary
| Neena Lyall
| 32-G970
| x3-6019
Course mailing list:
Use this mailing list to contact all the 6.828 staff.
Class list:
Feel free to send general questions about the labs and homework to the
class list, or send them to us at 6.828-staff, and we'll bounce
anything that's relevant to the entire class to the list.
TA office hours
Office hours will be held Monday from 3:00-4:00 in the 9th
floor lounge of the G tower of Stata. If you can't make that time,
you can email Austin to set up another time to meet.