General Information

Who should take 6.1810 // Communication // Grading // Labs // Text books // Homework // Collaboration // Class meetings // Staff // TA office hours

Who should take 6.1810

6.1810 is intended for undergraduates who enjoyed 6.1910 (6.004) and want to learn about design and implementation of operating systems, and their use as a foundation for systems programming.


We will distribute assignments on the course web site, and make all announcements through piazza. The course web site has the schedule for the term on the schedule page.

Grading policy

Grades in 6.1810 will be based on:

You must submit all labs in order to pass the class.

There will be no quizzes and no exams.


To turn in each lab, run make zipball in your lab directory and upload the resulting file to Gradescope. The submission deadline is 11:59:59pm on the day that the lab is due. You can turn in as many times as you like before the deadline. The Gradescope autograder uses make grade to assign a grade to your submission.

You have a total of 72 late hours for the semester. Each hour late in excess of 72 hours will penalize your total lab grade by 1%, up to a maximum of 50%. Late hours are allocated greedily, so they are allocated to earlier labs before later labs. Due to institute regulations, late hours may not be used for the last lab (due in the last full week of classes).

We suggest that you save your late hours for unexpected emergencies. For predictable situations (athletic events, deadlines in other classes, job interviews, etc.) we expect you to manage your time so as to finish assignments by the due date. If you have exhausted your late hours but nevertheless encounter an emergency that causes you to need an extension, we ask that you talk to S3 and ask them to send us a letter supporting your request.

Lecture questions/Homeworks

The lecture questions/homeworks are intended to make you think about the lecture topic. They are due before the start of lecture (i.e., 1pm) on the specified due dates. We would appreciate if you submit lecture questions well before 1p (e.g., the night before) so that we can prepare to answer your questions during lecture. You can miss a few lecture questions/homeworks over the semester without any penalty.


6.1810 relies on the following books:


You are welcome to discuss the labs (and homeworks) with other students, but all of your written work and code must be your own and must carefully acknowledge all contributions of ideas by others, whether from classmates or from sources you have read. Please don't look at anyone else's code for the labs or homework. Please feel free to ask and answer questions on Piazza, about labs, homework, readings, and lectures.

Do not post your lab or homework solutions on publicly accessible web sites (such as GitHub) or file spaces (such as your Athena Public directory).

Class meetings

Lectures will be held on Monday and Wednesday from 1:00pm to 2:30pm in person.


Adam Belay
Robert Morris

Teaching assistants
Alice Chen (ayjchen)
Jay Hilton (jhilton)
Sanjit Bhat (sanjitb)
Jessica Xu (jyxu)
Gabriel Jimenez

Staff mailing list, but we would prefer that you use Piazza.

TA office hours

In-person room locations will be assigned later. Zoom links will be posted on Piazza soon. Check Piazza for updates.

Monday: 3-5pm in 32-G725 (Sanjit)
Monday: 5-6pm on Zoom (Sanjit)
Tuesday: 4-6pm in 32-G825 (Jay)
Wednesday: 10-11am on Zoom (Jess)
Wednesday: 4-6pm in 32-G431 (Jess)
Wednesday: 6-7pm on Zoom (Jay)
Friday: 1-3pm in 32-G925 (Alice)
Friday: 4-5pm on Zoom (Alice)

Appointments with staff outside of the listed office hours can be set up via private Piazza post.

Questions or comments regarding 6.1810? Send e-mail to the course staff at

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