[Click] finding an element in the configuration using Router::find()

Hamid Farhadi qq119512 at iii.u-tokyo.ac.jp
Mon Sep 23 08:46:08 EDT 2013


using Router::visit_upstream/downstream() in this config elementA can 
find elementB:

But in this one it can not:

I mean consider some elements like ControlSocket, how can I find it from 
another element, please?

Here is how I use Router::visit_upstream/downstream():

ElementCastTracker filter(router() , "elementB" );
Element* e = router()->visit_upstream( this , 0 , &filter );
elementB* b = (elementB*)filter[0]->cast( "elementB" );

If the solution is Router::find(), I could not find an example of how to 
use it. when it returns an element, how should I cast it to use its members?

Any help is appreciated,

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