[Click] FileReader and Pattern Matching with Click

Neel Sheyal latencybuster at gmail.com
Sat May 11 00:23:08 EDT 2013

Hi All,

      I want to use click to create a distributed pattern matching and
messaging system.

The starting point is a series of Syslog messages. Since Click does not
have an inbuilt Syslog (AFAIK) element, I am dumping all the Syslog
messages to a file index first. Then, I am asking Click to read each line
of the Syslog content, convert it to a packet that passes through my
PatternMatcher element . Here is what I am trying to do and failing:

1. FromSyslogFile(<filename>) -> EtherEncap(..) -> UDPIPEncap(..) ->
EherEncap is correctly putting the Ethernet header but UDPIPEncap() is not
doing anything.. How do I put Ethernet/IP/UDP header to my data that I am
reading from my file using the element (created by me) FromSyslogFile()?

2. Suppose Step 1 succeeds i.e. I have the packet with the Syslog data in
the payload, I am now want it to pass through my element,
StringClassifer(<regex1>, <regex2>,..). I am using the C++ lib re2(
https://code.google.com/p/re2/) inside my StringClassifier class for
pattern matching. Is this the correct/recommended approach to pattern
matching at  Layer7?


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