[Click] Memory allocation for Click elements

Julien Herzen j.herzen at gmail.com
Sun Oct 14 08:57:41 EDT 2012

Dear all,

I'm writing my own elements (in userspace), and I compile everything
with "make". It works fine most of the time.

It can happen, however, that adding a single class variable to an
element (e.g., a Timer) causes click to systematically segfault (even
before calling the constructors).
When I do a "make clean" before "make", I don't have this problem.
Therefore, it seems that there is more to re-compile than only my own
element. There's probably something missing in the default Makefile,
but I didn't figure out what yet.

Is it a known issue? Or am I the only one to have this problem?

I should perhaps mention that I'm cross-compiling for openWrt.

Many thanks for your help,

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