[Click] Passing a element declaration to an elementclass as parameter

thomas_mailinglist at gmx.de thomas_mailinglist at gmx.de
Tue Jun 19 09:56:53 EDT 2012


let's have a look on the following example:

b :: Tee(1);

elementclass foo {
	$param1 | 

	input[0] -> $param1 -> [0]output;

Idle() -> a::foo(b) -> Discard;

Is a construction like this possible in click? I want to declare an instance of the element Tee which is passed to an elementclass as configuration parameter and that can be used inside this elementclass.
If I use an element with no inputs and outputs instead of Tee, it is possible to pass this declared name to other elementclasses. But which possibilities do I have with an element including inputs and outputs?



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