[Click] netflow

Anthony Dempsey anthonyjdempsey at gmail.com
Tue Jan 24 07:25:36 EST 2012

I've done a bit more work on this and realised I hadn't encapsulated the
netflow data in any packet type, I've now encapsulated it in UDP/IP
headers. So my netflow now looks like:

Idle -> NetflowExport(af0, VERSION 10, INTERVAL 1)
    -> UDPIPEncap($myaddr3, 4739,, 4739)
    -> CheckIPHeader2(INTERFACES
    -> rt;

I'm still having problems when I try to send to a node in my simulation.
The packets are ok, I've encapsulated them in ethernet headers and dropped
them to a pcap file and they look fine and I can use IPEncp(4, ....) giving
two IP headers and the simulation wont stop but does give me this warning:

expensive Packet::push; have 8 wanted 14

but I don't want to have IP in IP. I'm adding some FEC to IPFIX so I need
to be able to encode, transfer, and decode the packets before they are
passed to NS-3. If I don't use a click config file on node 3 I can get the
simulation to complete but I need to access the packets before they are
passed to NS-3. I can print the packets before they are passed to [0]output
in the click files but the simulation crashes after that.

Can anyone help me?

On Sat, Jan 21, 2012 at 4:43 PM, Anthony Dempsey
<anthonyjdempsey at gmail.com>wrote:

> Can anyone point me to something that will help me set up the netflow
> components correctly?
> I'm trying to set up a simple simulation using ns3 of 4 nodes. n1 sends to
> n2, the router should log details in the IPFIX format and export them out
> to n3.
>               n3
>                |
> n1--------router---------n2
> I have no idea if I'm setting the system up properly and no idea how to
> get netflow components to send the information correctly.
> I've taken the example ip routing config file in NS3 and modified it to
> bring in the third node and I have an AggregateIPFlow component sitting
> between the CheckIPHeader2 and the StaticIPLookup componenets
> ch2 :: CheckIPHeader2(...)
>  -> af0::AggregateIPFlows()
>  -> rt :: StaticIPLookup(....)
> For the netflow components I have the following set up
> Idle -> NetflowExport(af0, VERSION 10, INTERVAL 1)
>     -> NetflowPrint(RECORDS true, VERBOSE true, OUTFILE netflow)
>     -> rt;
> And this produces nothing for me, if I change VERSION to 9 I get some
> output in the netflow file but nothing interesting.
> Can someone see what I've missed or show me where I can learn more about
> how to set up netflow components and have them send packets from the router
> to n3 while the simulation runs?
> Cheers,
> Anthony

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