[Click] packet forwarding between wireless and wired

Kyungtae Kim kyungtae at nec-labs.com
Thu Sep 22 10:21:30 EDT 2011



I need some assistance. The following is the network configuration of my
test-bed. (host1) -> (ath0) (eth0) (ROUTER)
-> (eth0) (host2)


I want to send the packets from host1 to host2. With the ip_forward set
to 1, ROUTER is forwarding the packets between host1 and host2. No


With running the click(version 2.0), the packets from host1 can be
reached to the ath0, not eth0 at ROUTER which was checked by tcpdump.
The packet is generated by iperf at host1.


host1 and ROUTER is connected by wireless, where ROUTER is running
madwifi making ROUTER as an access point.


The following is the click script.


FromDevice(ath0) -> MarkIPHeader(14) -> Strip(14) -> EtherEncap(0x0800,
$SRC_ETHER, $DST_ETHER) -> Queue(100) -> ToDevice(eth0) ->IPPrint(OK);


, where $SRC_ETHER is the mac address of eth0 at ROUTER, $DST_ETHER is
the mac address of HOST2.


The output from the click prints out the following messages, which seems


OK > udp 508


However, tcpdump at eth0/ROUTER and eth0/host2 doesn't show anything.


I hope someone may be able to help me with this problem.


Best regards,




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